1. Sanctioning
2. Entering Average
3. KCO Average for all Bowlers
4. USBC rule 319
5. KCO Calculated Average Errors
6. Refusing Entries/Average Re-rating
7. KCO Divisions by Average
8. Handicap
9. Divisions Not Full
10. Back-to-Back Squad Bowling
11. Membership Fee
12. Entry Fee
13. Ways to Enter
14. Pre-Registered Entries and Squad Times
15. Dress Code
16. Award Fund Returned and Brackets
17. All Ties
18. Scoring Issues
19. Alcohol and Tobacco Products
20. Bowling Area
21. Food Consumption
22. Foul; Abusive Language; Usage
23. Abusing Center’s Equipment
24. Violation of Tournament Rules
25. Protests and Appeals
26. Monthly Division
27. Stepladder Finals
28. Individual USBC Honor Awards
29. Season Point Leader in each Division
30. Perfect Attendance
31. Invitational Scholarship Tournament
YA1. Rules Additions YA7. Squad Times
YA2. Sanctioning YA8. Dress Code
YA3. Entering Average YA9. Format
YA4. Entry Fee YA10. Stepladder Finals
YA5. Division Placement YA11. Champions Award
YA6. Handicap YA12. Legal USBC Clause
TOURNAMENT RULES – 2024 / 2025 |
Entry & Competition Rules / Fees
a. KCO Carryover: Average for bowlers who qualified for the 2024 invitational scholarship tournament provided USBC Rule 319a2 does not apply. This states: “When the previous season’s average is used, and at the time of bowling an entrant has a current average for 21 or more games that is 10 pins or more higher than the prior season’s average, the current average must be used.”
b. New Bowler: Defined as a first time KCO tournament bowler or bowler that did not qualify for the previous season’s invitational scholarship tournament. Your entering average will be based on:
If none of these above apply, the bowler must bowl scratch until a KCO average is established.
TOURNAMENT RULES – 2024 / 2025 |
7. KCO Divisions by averages:
Division 1 – 200 and Over – Scratch
Division 2 – 180 – 199 – Handicap
Division 3 – 160 – 179 – Handicap
Division 4 – 140 – 159 – Handicap
Division 5 – 139 and below – Handicap
9. If Less than 6 Bowlers are in a division, the bowlers will be combined with another division. Handicap for consolidating division will be 90% of higher division. If division 1 needs combining, it will be combined with division 2. The new division 2 handicap will be from 210.
10. “Back-to-Back” squad bowling will not be permitted. Pacers will not be allowed. No bumpers allowed either.
11. Membership Fee of $10.00 per bowler - payable at first season tournament bowled (this money is used as expenses primarily to pay for website and mailing cost).
TOURNAMENT RULES – 2024 / 2025 |
12. Entry Fee Breakdown: Bowling Fee $15.00, Award Fee $18.00, Expense Fee $2.00 = $35. The tournament entry fee is due and payable at tournament check in. Optional prepayment of fees is through our website, which is at the same times as the website registration entries times, (See KCO Rule 13a below) and the prepaid fees are nontransferable and nonrefundable.
13. Entries: For all tournaments EXCEPT for the Invitational scholarship tournament, bowlers may enter the KCO via:
14. Registered Entries: Will hold a spot in monthly tournaments up to 10 minutes prior to squad time. If you have reserved a spot and have not checked in or notified tournament management that you are running late, then 10 minutes prior to squad time you will be considered a “no show”. Officials may then fill your spot with bowlers from the waiting list established per KCO Rule 13. If you are not going to bowl and you have reserved a spot, you must notify tournament management before your reserved squad start time or you will be charged a $5 “no show” fee. This fee must be paid prior to your participation in future Kansas City Open Tournaments. All “no show” fees collected will be added to the award fund for the current tournament season.
a. “A” squad starts at 8:45am with announcements and practice, check in begins at 7:30am *BOWLERS must check in wearing clothing as stated in KCO Rule #15 Dress Code*
TOURNAMENT RULES – 2024 / 2025 |
15. Dress Code: All youth competitors shall wear an appropriate bowling shirt.
Youth competitors shall not wear apparel or use equipment depicting alcohol, tobacco, and/or gambling during competition.Images, products and/or activities containing profanity, inflammatory or obscene language or imagery will not be allowed.All apparel worn by competitors shall:
Coats, jackets, or any type of outer garments cannot be worn over the bowling shirt while competitor is on the bowling approach. Hats, sunglasses, and/or any type of headgear, including electronic devices, cannot be worn, or used while competitor is in the bowling area. Bowlers will be required to change if attire is deemed inappropriate. Tournament officials have the final decision.
16. All Award Funds that count toward the invitational scholarship tournament will be returned 100% in awards and scholarships at a ratio of at least one award for each ten entries.
17. All ties for “stepladder finalists”, including stepladder games will be decided by a 9th and 10th frame roll-off to include two-tenths of the bowler’s total game handicap if applicable. With the only exception, if there is only one tie for fourth place after qualifier, then the highest single game bowled scratch in qualifier of those two bowlers, will start first against the other to begin match play of the stepladder finals.
18. Scoring or tournament procedure issues: Scoring errors or obvious pin errors must be corrected by a center employee or tournament staff immediately upon discovery. If any questionable errors occur, play needs to stop immediately and tournament staff must be notified to resolve the problem before bowling continues.
TOURNAMENT RULES – 2024 / 2025 |
19. Alcohol and Tobacco Products. Competitors are not allowed to use any type of tobacco products during competition while in their bowling attire. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a verbal warning. A second offense will result in disqualification from the tournament. Consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or use of illegal drugs by any participant at any time will result in disqualification from the tournament. No youth bowlers may enter the bar area without a parent or guardian present. Tobacco & Alcoholic Consumption by spectators will be restricted to DESIGNATED AREAS ONLY IF AVAILABLE.
20. Bowling area: Limited to bowlers competing in current qualifying squad or active match play, scorekeepers, and tournament officials. Tournament officials
Will define the bowler’s area during announcements.
21. Food: Will not be permitted in bowling area.
22. Foul, Abusive Language, Gestures and/or Threatening Behavior will not be permitted at any time. Violation is subject to KCO Rule 24 enforcement.
23. Abusing the Center’s Equipment will not be permitted at any time. Violation is subject to KCO Rule 24 enforcement.
24. Competitors who violate tournament rules and/or participate in conduct derogatory to USBC YOUTH rules are subject to immediate ejection and disqualification, disqualification from one, or all remaining tournaments for the current season and/or permanent suspension from the KCO and/or USBC.
25. Protests and Appeals: All decisions of the tournament officials are final unless appeal is made in accordance with USBC Rule 329.
26. Monthly Division Champions will have the option to purchase a bowling shirt, or a jacket selected by the Kansas City Open directors. Payment for these shirts or jackets must be made in full before the shirt or jacket can be ordered. The lettering on each garment will include the KCO logo, champion, the year of the current tournament season, and the name of the bowler. Only one shirt or jacket purchase is allowed for each monthly division winner, but a bowler will be allowed to purchase a shirt or jacket each time they are a monthly division champion. If a bowler does not purchase a shirt or jacket at the time, they win a division, they will be allowed to purchase a shirt or jacket until the end of the current season. Exception is invitational champions extended purchase through the October tournament of the following season. The KCO directors will make every effort to have the shirts or jackets available at the next point tournament. All awards will be destroyed if not picked up within a year of purchased.
TOURNAMENT RULES – 2024 / 2025 |
27. All Stepladder finalists (1 – 5) will receive a scholarship award. The breakdown for each division will be $110 for first place, $70 for second place, $50 for third place, $40 for fourth place and $30 for fifth place. If fewer than 87 bowlers participate, the amounts in each division will be adjusted down based on the total number of bowlers for that tournament except for first place which will remain at $110.00. All monthly stepladder finalists will receive a plate indicating the place and division they finished in for that tournament. Each stepladder finalist will have the option to purchase a plaque with their name on it. Only one style plaque will be offered. The KCO will make every effort to have the plaque at the next point tournament. All awards will be destroyed if not picked up within a year of purchased.
28. Individual USBC Honor Score Awards the KCO will provide appropriate documentation of the award that can be taken to the bowler’s regular youth center. If a bowler does not bowl in a regular league, they can send the documentation into USBC themselves.
29. Bowlers with Perfect Attendance will receive a scholarship award. Perfect attendance is defined as participating in all point tournaments in a season.
30. The Season Point leader in each division will receive a scholarship award provided they have qualified for invitational scholarship tournament. All participants will receive 10 points per point tournament bowled, plus stepladder points if in stepladder finals. Participants in 4 or more-point tournaments will receive 10 additional points per tournament for all tournaments beyond and including #4. If a bowler participates in 7 or more-point tournaments, they will receive 20 additional points per tournament for all tournaments beyond and including #7.
Susan bowls in 7-point tournaments. She receives 70 (10 for tournaments #1 – 10) + 40 (10 points for tournaments #4 – 7) + 20 (for tournament #7) = 130 points.
John bowls in 4-point tournaments. He receives 40 (1 –4) + 10 (for tournament #4) = 50 points.
Points will be awarded in stepladder finals as follows:
1st = 40, 2nd = 31, 3rd = 22, 4th = 13 & 5th = 9.
TOURNAMENT RULES – 2024 / 2025 |
31. The Invitational Scholarship Tournament in June will be by invitation only. To qualify for an invitation, you must have participated in at least five point tournaments or four point tournaments and one youth/adult tournament during current season. If more than one youth/adult tournament is held during this season, only one will be counted towards invitation qualifications. Invitations are given to participants who have qualified at the May point tournament. Qualified bowlers not attending May’s tournament, invitations are then mailed. KCO Rule #9 is waived.
Please Note: Invitation letter/form for entries can be either mailed in, turned in at the May Point Tournament, or Emailed to: entries@kansascityopen.com, normal website entries not available. All mailed entry forms must be received by Thursday before the tournament or they will be deemed as late and assessed a late registration fee.
NOTICE: Any bowler having an invitation will not be refused the day of the tournament if a spot is available. Walk-on fees are $10.00 plus entry fees. ($40.00 total)
b. Bowlers not qualifying for the stepladder finals ("non-qualifiers") are eligible for a scholarship award generated from each division award fees collected at this invitational tournament. KCO will payout scholarship awards separately by divisions to those bowlers of at least a ratio of 1:3. Value of this invitational scholarship award could vary from year to year.
YA1. In addition to all rules for the KCO Tournament Rules applying to the youths in the Youth/Adult Tournament, the following will also apply except where noted for adults only. NEW for 2024-2025 Youth/Adult Divisions 4 and 5 will bowl on SATURDAY Afternoon Only! Divisions 1, 2, and 3 will bowl on SUNDAY Only!
YA2. Sanctioning: The Kansas City Open Youth/Adult tournament is an USBC/USBC YOUTH Sanctioned Tournament. Adult bowlers must be USBC members and show a membership card before each tournament. Adult sanction cards for Kansas or Missouri local associations must be purchased through the KCO if not in a sanctioned USBC League. Tournaments will be governed by USBC/USBC Youth rules.
TOURNAMENT RULES – 2024 / 2025 |
YA3. Tournament Entry: Only one entry per bowler is allowed. This means a youth bowler can only bowl with one adult. An adult bowler can only bowl with one youth each day of the tournament. This means the same adult bowler can bowl each day, if desire, with a different youth bowler.
YA4. Entry Fee Breakdown: Bowling Fee $20.00, Award Fee $46.00, Expense Fee $4.00 = $70
YA5. Division Placement: The division the Youth/Adult team bowls in will be determined by the youth’s average like any KCO youth point tournament.
YA6. Handicap: Youth handicap will be based on KCO rule 8. Adult handicap will be based on 90% of 220.
YA7. Squad time: SATURDAY for Divisions 4 and 5 only, will be at 1:00pm. Check in time will start at 12:00pm.
Squad times: SUNDAY for Divisions 1, 2, and 3 only, will be 8:45am for A-squad and 12:00pm for B-squad. Check-in for A-squad will start at 7:30am and 10:45am for B-squad. There will be announcements and 10 minutes of practice at the start times of each squad. No practice or shadow rolls will be allowed after the start of the block. The center will recondition(re-oil) the lanes between the two squads.
YA8. Adult participants are not required to comply with KCO rule #15 as required for youths however, it is encouraged. Please, no hats and no tee shirt nor wear apparel or use equipment depicting alcohol, tobacco, and/or gambling during competition. Images, products and/or activities containing profanity, inflammatory or obscene language or imagery will not be allowed.
TOURNAMENT RULES – 2024 / 2025 |
YA9. Format:
ON SATURDAY: There will be two divisions only (Divisions 4 & 5) bowling one squad of 4-games for qualifying. Each will be bowled across four different pair of lanes in a sweeper format. At the end of each game, bowlers will move one pair right as soon as it is available and immediately begin their next game. After the 4-games of qualifying are completed, the field will be cut to the top four youth/adult teams in both divisions for the stepladder finals. Youth bowlers will bowl all ties. The higher seeded youth bowler will determine their team start first or last. The team finishing last will start first on the left lane with the adult bowler for each team bowling first and the youth bowler bowling last. First round match qualifiers will get two practice rolls on each lane before the match begins. All subsequent qualifiers will get two practice rolls on each lane before their match game. The team that advances will not receive any additional practice rolls. Check-in time for the finals will be immediately following the posting of final qualifying scores and any ties (if applicable) have been decided. The stepladder finals will begin immediately following check-in.
ON SUNDAY: There will be two 4-game qualifying squads for divisions 1, 2, & 3 only. The center will recondition (re-oil) the lanes between the two qualifying squads. Each qualifying block will be bowled across four different pairs of lanes in a sweeper format. At the end of each game, bowlers will move one pair right as soon as it is available and immediately begin their next game. Position standings will be posted after the completion of each squad. After both 4-game qualifying blocks are completed, the field will be cut to the top four youth/adult teams for each division for the stepladder finals. Youth bowlers will bowl all ties. The higher seeded youth bowler will determine their team start first or last. The team finishing last will start first on the left lane with the adult bowler for each team bowling first and the youth bowler bowling last. First round match qualifiers will have the opportunity for 5 minutes of practice before the match begins. All subsequent qualifiers will get two practice rolls on each lane before their match game. The team that advances will not receive any additional practice rolls. Check-in time for the finals will be immediately following the posting of final qualifying scores and any ties (if applicable) have been decided. The stepladder finals will begin immediately following check-in.
TOURNAMENT RULES – 2024 / 2025 |
YA10. Youth Stepladder finalists (1 - 4) will receive a scholarship award. The breakdown for each division will be $130 for first place, $90 for second place, $70 for third place and $50 for fourth place. If fewer than 98 bowlers (49 teams) participate, these amounts for each division will be adjusted down based on the total number of bowlers-teams for that tournament except for first place which will remain at $130.00. All youth stepladder finalists will receive a plate indicating the place and division they finished in for that tournament. Each youth stepladder finalist will have the option to purchase a plaque with their name on it. Only one style plaque will be offered. The KCO will make every effort to have the plaque available at the next tournament. All awards will be destroyed if not picked up within a year of purchased.
YA11. Youth/Adult Champions will have the option to purchase a Youth/Adult Winner bowling shirt selected by the KCO directors. Payment for these shirts must be made in full before the shirt can be ordered. The lettering on the garment will include the KCO logo, Youth/Adult winner, the year of the current tournament season, and the name of the bowler. Only one shirt or jacket purchase is allowed for each Youth/Adult division winner, but bowlers will be allowed to purchase a shirt each time they are a Youth/Adult division winner. If a bowler does not purchase a shirt at the time they win, they will be allowed to purchase a shirt until the end of the current season. The KCO directors will make every effort to have the shirts available at the next point tournament. All awards will be destroyed if not picked up within a year of purchased.
YA12. All participants in addition and exception to the above stated rules, will be governed by the rules of the current season’s USBC/USBC Youth Family Rulebook. This includes all youth participants must abide by USBC YOUTH Rule 400 in regard to USBC YOUTH Membership Eligibility. A copy of the current season’s rulebook is on file with the tournament directors and is available for inspection upon request or visit bowl.com.