“A” SQUAD BOWLS FIRST BLOCK AT 8:45 / check in begins at 7:30
“B” SQUAD BOWLS FIRST BLOCK AT 10:15 / check in begins at 9:00
All bowlers will bowl two (2) three-game blocks. Position standings will be posted after the completion of each squad. Each 3-game block will be bowled on a different pair of lanes. After the two qualifying blocks, the field will be cut to the top five bowlers in each division for the stepladder finals.
Check-in time for the finals will be immediately following the posting of final qualifying scores and any ties (if applicable) have been decided. The stepladder finals will begin immediately following check-in.
If a qualifying bowler is not present at check-in or a qualifying bowler withdraws prior to the beginning of match play, the alternate will become the 5th position qualifier. All qualifiers originally ranked lower than the absent bowler will then advance one position. Once the alternate has been added to the top 5, there will be no changes to the finals line up. If match play has begun and a qualifier withdraws prior to his/her match, that bowler will forfeit his/her match and be placed in the lower of the 2 positions he/she would have competed for. If a bowler must withdraw for any reason during match play, the remainder of the game in progress will be forfeited. The winner of the forfeited match will advance to the next match, if applicable. If a bowler must withdraw after completion of a match for any reason, their opponent will advance to the next match, regardless of match outcome. The highest qualifier chooses whether they will finish first or last. The bowler finishing last bowls first, on the odd numbered lane. First round match qualifiers will have the opportunity for 5 minutes of practice before match begins. Each subsequent qualifier will be allowed two practice balls on each lane before their match begins. Advancing bowler will not receive additional practice rolls.
Squad time: SATURDAY for Divisions 4 and 5 only, will be at 1:00pm. Check in time will start at 12:00pm.
Squad times: SUNDAY for Divisions 1, 2, and 3 only, will be 8:45am for A-squad and 12:00pm for B-squad. Check-in for A-squad will start at 7:30am and 10:45am for B-squad.
ON SATURDAY: There will be two divisions only (Divisions 4 & 5) bowling one squad of 4-games for qualifying. Each will be bowled across four different pair of lanes in a sweeper format. At the end of each game, bowlers will move one pair right as soon as it is available and immediately begin their next game. After the 4-games of qualifying are completed, the field will be cut to the top four youth/adult teams in both divisions for the stepladder finals. Youth bowlers will bowl all ties. The higher seeded youth bowler will determine their team start first or last. The team finishing last will start first on the left lane with the adult bowler for each team bowling first and the youth bowler bowling last. First round match qualifiers will get two practice rolls on each lane before the match begins. All subsequent qualifiers will get two practice rolls on each lane before their match game. The team that advances will not receive any additional practice rolls. Check-in time for the finals will be immediately following the posting of final qualifying scores and any ties (if applicable) have been decided. The stepladder finals will begin immediately following check-in.
ON SUNDAY: There will be two 4-game qualifying squads for divisions 1, 2, & 3 only. The center will recondition (re-oil) the lanes between the two qualifying squads. Each qualifying block will be bowled across four different pairs of lanes in a sweeper format. At the end of each game, bowlers will move one pair right as soon as it is available and immediately begin their next game. Position standings will be posted after the completion of each squad. After both 4-game qualifying blocks are completed, the field will be cut to the top four youth/adult teams for each division for the stepladder finals. Youth bowlers will bowl all ties. The higher seeded youth bowler will determine their team start first or last. The team finishing last will start first on the left lane with the adult bowler for each team bowling first and the youth bowler bowling last. First round match qualifiers will have the opportunity for 5 minutes of practice before the match begins. All subsequent qualifiers will get two practice rolls on each lane before their match game. The team that advances will not receive any additional practice rolls. Check-in time for the finals will be immediately following the posting of final qualifying scores and any ties (if applicable) have been decided. The stepladder finals will begin immediately following check-in.